Sunday, October 5, 2014

                  This is the final post regarding Clearwater Marine Aquarium:



Dolphin Tale two is exactly that: a tale that continues to mislead the public and make millions in the process. What is most upsetting to me is that these movies are geared toward children. Kids don’t understand “creative license” and tend to believe what they see.

This video was taken October 18, 2011: 
Please note the energy level and spirit of Winter.

Winter’s artificial tail not only looks uncomfortable but to portray Hope as a dolphin that goes crazy when she sees Winter’s tail for the first time is insulting. If you go to this link  you will see the real video of a very interested, caring dolphin that looks more protective than anything.  Notice the change in just two years. This video was taken July 26, 2013. Also please note that Winter does very little swimming with the tail but looks like she is dragging it around. The curvature of her spine is getting more and more prominent from swimming like a fish (tail going side to side) instead of a dolphin (tail going up and down).

In Dolphin Tale 2 a small paint chip is portrayed as being at the center of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s violations. In reality there were many violations that could have put the dolphin’s lives in danger. (View my post of Sept. 11, 2014, enlarge the pictures under Conditions and you can see how disgusting the tanks actually were.) A listing of other violations is also available at that post.

Much is made of the release of a dolphin named Mandy from Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The actual release was November 2, 2006. That is eight years ago and no dolphins have been released since.

There is also a scene that the dolphins were speed swimming around the tank. This is physically impossible due to the small size of the tank. There is no way that one dolphin could do this let alone two. Winter could never do that anyway with the artificial tail. 

Lastly they show Winter at the end of the movie joyously jumping in the air. Sadly that is something that Winter will never be able to do, as a dolphins tail is what propels them out of the water. Again, this is  not possible for Winter with her artificial tail.

Obviously Winter can never be released but doesn’t Clearwater Marine Aquarium owe Hope and Winter something better. Both of these dolphins give so much and get so little in return. Possibly a Seaside Sanctuary such as Baltimore National Aquarium is considering. Baltimore seems to be more progressive in their thinking than other marine attractions, who justify why dolphins are kept in captivity, while Baltimore is asking: Should they be? Public opinion is beginning to change. Baltimore’s priority seems to be to ensure the health and well- being of the animals they care for by providing the dolphins the best possible living environment in the years ahead. 

Thanks to all who have supported my efforts to bring this information to the public for possible change. 
Jennifer Semro

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